Sunday, April 16, 2023

Spring Break 2023

Spring Break in Kauai 2023.  We stayed in Princeville - with an amazing view from the condo we rented.  There was plenty of rain but with the rain came the rainbows.   The rain never really ruined anything - just added to the Kauai vibe.    Kim struggled all week with a lingering cold and then Tess came down with a nasty congestion and migraine, it happened at the end of the trip (Thursday) and it was the day we were supposed to go to Nepali.  The boys and I went - it was an awesome experience with an amazing views and even an encounter with a mother humpback and her calf.     With Owen heading off to college next year, his is probably the last spring break (at least for awhile until schedules line up).  
Hope to get back to Kauai and to take the same boat trip again so Tess can experience it.